Loko munhu o kuma matimba, kumbe xinkadyana xo fuma vanhu, mi ta chaviseriwa ri nga peli. Ku na vanhu vo loko va kume matimba yo fuma, va endla switlhokovetselo swi nanayila swi endla vito, ro lemukisa ku he n’wina, mi le ku fumiweni. Va endlela ku mi nga kaneti kumbe ku kanakana.
Languta swihlawulekisi swa van’wani va Vafumi, van’wani va ha hanya, kasi van’wani va hundze emisaveni (tani hi ku, swihlawulekisi leswi, a ku ri swa mimfumu ya vona, kun’wani hi ta swi xaxameta hi tindzimi leti a va tirhisa tona, la hi swi kotaka, hi ta hundzuluxa):

Joseph Stalin: khale ka murhangeri wa vumbiri wa Soviet Union, loko nkulu wa munhu a vitaniwa, a swi twala ku mi fikeriwini, wo twa:
Father of Nations, The Great Leader, The General Secretary, Generalisimus, The Man of Steel, Brilliant Genius of Humanity, Great Architect of Communism, Gardener of Human Happiness, Dear Father.
A swi nga laveki ku u pfa u rivala xihlawulekisi xin’we.

Muammar al-Gaddafi: vo tala mi ta n’u tsundzuka hi ku va na vandla ra varindzi ra vaxisati ntsena. Khale ka murhangeri wa tiko ra Libya, loko a xewetiwa wo twa:
Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution.

Mobutu Sese Seko: khale ka murhangeri wa Congo DR, loko ku ri hi ku la Africa ku na varhangeri va matiko va masavheji, Mobutu a ku ri savheji hayi swo tlanga, twana:
His Excellency President Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga
Meaning: The all-powerful warrior who, because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, goes from conquest to conquest, leaving fire in his wake. Ku nga; Muchaviseki Murhangeri Mobutu nhenha ya matimba leyi hi vurhena bya yona na vutiyimiseri byo hlula, yi kandziyela hinkwavo lava yi va hlaselaka, yi tlhe yi haxa ndzilo. Makwerhu, njhe byi nga ehla vudyangwani kwala?

Yahyah Jammmeh: khale ka murhangeri wa Gambia, Yahyah Jammmeh, a ku ri murhangeri wa vito ra swihlawulekisi swo nyanyula, yingisa:
His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya AJJ Jammeh Babili Mansa, Builder of Bridges, Conqueror of Rivers

Kamuzu Banda: khale murhangeri wa tiko ra Malawi, a ku na mhe ni nge sali:
His Excellency the President Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda Life President of the Republic of Malawi.
U tlhe u byeriwa siku na siku ku “President for Life”.

Robert Mugabe: Uncle Bob, murhangeri wa tiko ra Zimbabwe, na yena u na vito ra swihlawulekisi swo leha, kambe swi ya hi ku ri vitaniwa hi va mani, loko ro helela, ku nga va:
His Excellency, The President, Robert Gabriel Mugabe and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Patron of War Veterans, First Secretary of the Party, Chancellor of State Universitie, Supreme Leader, First Citizen of the Nation, Honorary Black Belt and Professor of Diplomacy.
Julius Malema a hi yena Commander in Chief a ri yexe. Vito leri, eka swa ximfumu, a ri tirhi.

Hosinkati Elizabeth wa England: a ku ni nge tluriwa hi vavanuna, ivi a nghena hi ntamu, wo twa:
Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Christian Faith

Jean Bedel Bokassa: endzhaku ka ku vutla ka mfumu le Central African Republic, yi titikirhete hi vuPresident for Life, yi twa onge a swi ringani, yi tinyika vukosi, ivi yi va:
Sa Majesté Impériale Bokassa 1er Empereur de Centrafrique par la volonté du peuple Centrafricain, uni au sein du parti politique national, le MESAN (Mouvement pour l’évolution Sociale de l’Afrique Noire)
Meaning: His Imperial Majesty Bokassa I Emperor of Central Africa by the will of the Central African people, united within the national political party, the MESAN (Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa)
Savheji ra savheji, a yi rhandza ngopfu ku bomba na mahinya-hinya.

Haile Selassie I: Hosinkulu yo hetelela ya Ethiopia, yena loyi a khongeriwaka le ka ripfumelo ra Rastafari, a ku ni nge tluriwi hi genge:
The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, Lord of Lords, King of Kings of Ethiopia, Elect of God, Janhoy, Abba Tekel
Ma swi vona ku mhaka ya “Lion of Judah” yi huma kule?

Kim Jong-il: kahle ka murhangeri, tlhelo Hosi le North Korea, a ku ri boss hi mavito, kahle kahle, ma tele ngopfu, wo twa:
The great leader Comrade Kim Jong-il, Superior Person, Dear Leader, who is a perfect incarnation of the appearance that a leader should have, Commander in Chief, Father of the People, Sun of the Communist Future, Shining Star of Paektu Mountain, Guarantee and Symbol of the Fatherland’s Unification, Ever-Victorious, Iron-Willed Commander, Peerless Leader.

Idi Amin: phula byi hola makwerhu, leri a ku ri savheji ra masavheji. Khale ka murhangeri wa tiko ra Uganda, twana:
His Excellency President for Life Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada recipient of Victorius Cross, Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, King of Scotland and Chancellor of University of Makerere.
Vahaxi a va fanele ku ri hlaya ri helela, loko wo bayiza u twa mukhusa ivi u hupa xihlawulekisi xin’we ntsena, a swi vula ku u tivangele zuku-zuku hi wexe.