We love Munghana Lonene FM, kambe a swi endli ku hi miyela, hambi leswi ntiyiso u nga ta hi holovisa na va rikwerhu. The 14th Xitsonga Music Awards are unbelievably inconsistent and an insult to the Tsonga ethnic group, and to the Tsonga Music industry.
The SABC needs to appoint an independent board to look over Xitsonga Music Awards ta Munghana Lonene FM before it’s too late. We need Munghana Lonene as a people; it is the only media we have with national accessibility. Xitsonga Music Awards are very important to the growth and preservation of Xitsonga Music. Our ethnic group connects through music more than anything; music breaks down borders, tribalism, classism and nationalism. Loko ku ba TIRHA XISUTI or MY NUMBER 1, we forget ku vitanana Swibuxwani na Swizambikwani. Music is the biggest promoter ya ririmi ra Xitsonga, tinxaka timbe learn Xitsonga through music.
Our research show ku Munghana Lonene minimally plays Xitsonga music during peak time.
Download our Research here:
“To qualify for nomination the artist must have produced and released the song/album between the period 01 August 2015 and 31 August 2016, the song must have enjoyed access to Munghana Lonene FM Playlist over this period. It must have been played on air on Munghana Lonene FM…” – Munghana Lonene
Here is how inconsistent Munghana Lonene 14th Xitsonga Music Awards are:
Khanimamba ya Themba Nyathi came out on the 21st of September 2016, which is outside the 01 August 2015 and 31 August 2016 bracket. Khanimamba is the biggest winner of XMA14 with 4 awards in total.
Forget Makhahlele was nominated for Dr. Thomas Chauke Artist of the Year, but Themba Nyathi did not qualify. Eckson Maluleke walked away with the biggest award of XMA14.
Ti le ka Makani is the biggest Tsonga Disco song of 2016; however, Refiller Boy is not South African and that disqualifies him eka “Xitsonga” Music Awards. General Muzka was the only known artist on Best South African Xitsonga Disco category ya XMA14, it’s a given that he won. FYI, General Muzka is bigger in Mozambique than in South Africa.
According to MLFM, Mhani wa Solani ya Mhani Madyaku-bomba na Brain Bomba na Mgimeti is a bigger and better collaboration than Do Like I Do ya Makhongele na Esta M for 2015-2016. MAJOR 1 (BUSHIRI) ya Mashele na Magezi Chauke did not qualify for nomination.
Russian Army na Daniel Brothers did not qualify for Best Duo/Group. Joe Shirimani na Vana va Ndoda won Best Duo/Group.
Prince Rhangani with album ya Chayela, lost Best Male Artist to Xipapilani ya Eckson Maluleke.
Munghana Lonene does not have a category for our indigenous music (Traditional Tsonga Music).
Hangalasa is good enough to perform at XMA14; however, his music is not playlisted on MLFM.
Tsonga-Hiphop is not recognized by Xitsonga Music Awards, even though Hiphop (as a whole) is the most dominant genre of the last 5 years in South Africa.
Mr Bow’s music is playlisted ka Munghana Lonene FM and he performed ka XMA14 in Giyani; however, he did not qualify for a XMA14 nomination, even though he is Mutsonga and gave us the biggest cross-border Tsonga hits of 2015, 2016 and early 2017 (Vida Boa, My Number 1, Ni ta fa na wena na The way you do).
We understand that Themba Nyathi has backing ya va ka Nxumalo via Bushbuckridge Municipality, but no one is above the rules. Khanimamba qualifies for XMA15 in 2018, with the likes of ‘Ku Tirha Xisuti’ na ‘Loko a hi nga fi’ ta Hangalasa, Nkunzi ya Mananga (Album) na ‘Va ka Baloyi’ ya Benny Mayengani, ‘Probleme’ ya Maphorisa na Sho Madjozi, ‘Pengula’ na ‘Diesel’ ta Joe Shirimani na Vana va Ndoda, ‘Swa Mina’ ya DJ General K, Award yo Loloha (album) ya Solly Makamu, ‘Lovola Money’ ya Henny C, ‘Faka Mchizi’ ya Prince Rhangani na tin’wani tinjamba ta Mhawuri/Ndzhati ya 2016 ku fika Mhawuri/Ndzhati ya 2017.
Xitsonga Music Awards cannot continue in this manner; we cannot celebrate mediocrity, inconsistency, and unfairness – a hi Vutsonga sweswo – Vutsonga byi hlola swo saseka.
Image source: munghanalonenefm.co.za