Yi sukini nakambe!
In his new song, Mfumu wa Faro, Magezi Chauke openly accuses Munghana Lonene FM of corruption. Eka Mfumu wa Faro, Magezi says that MLFM music compilers demand payola (bribe) in order to play his music. Magezi’s songs do not enjoy any airplay on MLFM, and this is because he refuses to pay for airplay, says Magezi Chauke on his new song.
In 2015, Benny Mayengani accused MLFM of selling awards on Ngula ya Vutivi (SABC2) and Ntsako Shivambu also called them out in an article for alleged corruption. SABC’s internal investigation did clear Quinton Baloyi of any foul play, Benny Mayengani failed to produce evidence.
Shots from Mfumu wa Faro:
- “Ni nge xavi tinyiko vana va Mhani, swa antswa mi nga ni chayi… Suka!”
- “Ti album ta mina, va tifurheka lava”
- “Tinqambhi ta Xitsonga ta avanyisiwa hi Munghana Lonene”
- “A va hi tlangi hinkwerhu, va na xihlawuhlawu, va tlanga vo diza”
- “Va na xihlawuhlawu va lava deliverance”
- “Tinyiko ta hina ti nge siviwi hi n’wina”
- “Mfumu wa Faro a wu laveki moyeni”
Magezi Chauke has called on Tsonga heavy weights in music to take action and help stop the rot at MLFM.
Mi ri yini hi mhaka leyi?
Magezi Chauke – Mfumu wa Faro (MLFM) Ntumani wo Ehluta (Download Link)