Government Name: Fumani N. Shilubana
Date of Birth: 1980 March 22
Place of Birth: Shiluvana Village
Ethnic Group: Tsonga
Grouping (Tribe): Nhlave
Clan: Vankuna
Totem: Vuti
Marital Status: Single
Siblings: “I am the first born of 2 ladies”
Schools Attended:
- Shiluvana Primary
- Dududu Primary
- Khataza Middle School
- St. Morgans High School
- Mathews Phosa College
All-time favourite Tsonga Dish: Vuswa na Guxe
All-time favourite Tsonga Album/Song: “Eish… I love Joe Shirimani, Benny Mayengani na Prince Rangani.”
Favourite Village/Township: Shiluvana Village
Favourite PSL Team: Orlando “Up The Bucs” Pirates
Favourite Animal: “Don’t have a favourite animal, but i like dogs.”
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Why did your first Girlfriend dump you? – “She didn’t say, she just dropped the bomb.”
Who gave you your first break? – Mpumelelo Paul Grootboom
Achievements – “Nothing yet. But was nominated for The Naledi Theatre Awards 2006 and F.A.M.E 2016”
Which year was your best year in your career and why? – “That year hasn’t arrived yet…”
What words should we remember you by? –
“If the Passion and Talent of Acting that God gave me won’t make a difference in people’s lives, then I don’t want to do anything.”
“Nkuu! eVumbayi. Muhalambeni. Kondlo ra mati. Muhlave!
Xi nwa pala ra ndlopfu, ri nga tsandza mhisi.
Ntsindza eKhokhotiva.
Mavutana, wa rhaku rikulu, ra xinghotsa.
Mambamba, Sangavela, Madya-rila, Maluma-a-pfurheta.
Magudza khomu ya N’wambywangani.
Xingange xa homu ya Mbhatsani.
Mukumi wa Ndlela na Homu na Mbuti na Xikomu.
Homu ya mati.
Hi va mavuta a yi vonile ku xonga!”
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