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Joe Shirimani announces end of beef with Benny Mayengani (Watch Video)

Mhalamhala ya nyimpi hi sunguli ku yi twa hi Mfumu wa Valovisi. Beef ya Joe Shirimani, Benny Mayengani na Prince Rhangani has produced more than eleven albums since 2013. Mr. 28-Years-In-The-Game ve yi chayini, hina ha tshemba hikuva na le nkosini wa mhani Mamyila a va ri swin’we.

Hi khensa Hosi kuva yi herisini nyimpi leyi, hi karhele swigego no twa swihundla. Phe beef leyi was even physical, valendeli va Benny Mayengani are known for their militancy (swikotela). Se swi na malembe va kha va hi tsona vunanga bya ntiyiso, hina malembe manarhu hi kha hi phameliwa swicele.

Watch  Joe Shirimani announce the end of the feud between Team Shirimani na Black Poison on 

Ntiyiso wa laveka, beef ya Team Shirimani na Black Poison has had memorable moments. The Benny Mayengani era has been one entertaining era and I am proud to have documented it.

Memorable moments ta Team Shirimani vs. Black Poison War –

  • Vayuda came out; MLFM banned the song. The streets jumped on the song and it blew up – “Mhe na rila, mi wu bela mbilwini nkulungwani…” Genge even started dressing like Benny, and adopted Mihanyi na Vayuda as slang. Benny Mayengani’s religious following began hi Vayuda.
  • Hekeleheke! Classic! Risimu leri ri bi ri ba na va matiko. Na namuntlha ra ha ba! – “Daddy! This song is Wow!”
  • Prince Rhangani released his best album ever, Mamayila. Mr. Piano-Man a dzahi fole ra mikwembu loko a chaya Mamyila. Tshama hansi mfana!
  • Benny Mayengani shut down December ya 2014 hi December Revolution. Classic album. Nomzamo changed how Tsonga diss songs are done – “Mi ni vona mpela mi vona, mi nga ni dlayi ku fana na Tenet…”

The lowest point ya Beef ya Team Shirimani na Black Poison was on Ngura Ngura, Mr. Post i savheji, a dyi tirheki.

Loko hi ta ka ta macheleni, beef ya Joe Shirimani, Benny Mayengani na Prince Rhangani yi yi endlini mali. I vangani va hina va nga endlaku over R5.9 million in 3 years?


CD costs R90, and each artist u kota ku xavisa a minimum of 4000 copies

= R360 000 on average since 2013.

  • Joe Shirimani u humesi mune wa ti album ku suka hi 2013 = 4m*
  • Benny Mayengani u humesi mune wa ti album ku suka hi 2013 = 4m
  • Prince Rhangani u humesi ti album timbirhi ku suka hi 2013 = R720, 000

*Joe also has a cut on Sayicology’s two albums na debut album ya Mr. Post.

Total: R3.6 million  

In 2015, vavanuna lava generated an estimated R2.3 million from performances. This is if they secured 1 booking on average each week for the whole year charging half price.

More than anything, I am looking forward to potential collaborations and new concepts from both camps. December ya 2016 yi ta tsakisa, all the heavy weights are releasing – Benny, Joe, Rhangani na Dr. Thomas Chauke, ni nga rivala njhani Mr. Bow.

What a time to be alive!

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