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Entertainment, Matimu

Tribute to Dr. Nzama Jackson Chavalala – Matimu ya Comrade Xigevenga

Etlela hi kurhula wena Nzama Jackson chavalala,

Wena makhwita-nhlavele mutwa wuri nengeni

Wena ntsanwakulala wa rimani

Va ka xihlaya xa mhala xo pfumala nawuri,

Wena muxingwidzi wa hlampfi

A hi tshovelani xifaki hi tshovelana timba ringana tintingu, hi n’wina lavo nyika va ka valoyi misava evutsonga.

Vatsonga va xiviri!


Dates Unknown:

  • Born in the rural village of Homu 14B, formerly known as Thanda Bantu before the Bantustan government of Gazankulu.
  • A fourth child of Dzovo Chavalala and Mudjaji N’wa Gija Maswanganyi (third wife)
  • His parents were uneducated due to the prevailing conditions against black people by the apartheid government and as a result his real date of birth is unknown. Comrade Xigevenga gave himself the 16 of April 1956 as his date of birth.
  • Like many in the rural areas, Xigevenga was born at home with the assistance of traditional Tsonga midwifes.

60s, 70s, 80s:

  • He started his schooling at Sukani Primary School.
  • Due to family hardship and poverty, Xigevenga had to drop out of school as child to work at Xindzumbe (Letaba estate) farm; he worked at ZZ2 as child labor.
  • Like many Tsonga men, Xigevenga has gone through the traditional male passage of Ngoma. In 1967, when he went to the initiation school, tragedy visited his family with the passing of his father, Dzovo Chavalala.
  • In 1971, Xigevenga went back to school at Khomisani Primary School at Dzingidzingi village 10 kilometer away from Giyani town, by this time his family had moved from Homu to Dzingdzingi.
  • After completion of standard five at Khomisani, Xigevenga went to Macema High School where he did his standard six and eight until 1976.
  • His name Xigevenga was given to him by educator Hlengani called Ou-Bola
  • Xigevenga began poetry in 1974.
  • In the year 1977 and 1978 Comrade Xigevenga was a learner at Giyani high and here he was elected as chief prefect.
  • Xigevenga was employed by the Gazankulu governmentas clerk in 1979, it was the first time in his life he earned a decent salary after the completion of high school.
  • In 1987, Xigevenga joined the ANC underground and was enlisted into the military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) inside the country. Due to hard work and loyalty he was in the headquarters platoon of Limpopo and was entrusted with the responsibilities of protecting ANC leaders.
  • In 1989, he completed his Bachelor of Arts with University of the North (University of Limpopo).

90s – New Millennium:

  • Xigevenga obtained his B.A honours in public administration.
  • In the year 1991, Xigevenga started his career as teacher at Hanyani Thomo high school.
  • He became a ward councilor in the year 1995 (TLC) responsible for Nhlaneki to Kremetart in Giyani for two terms.
  • Comrade Xigevenga became actively involved in helping indigent families with burials and organizing trips for elderly to Kruger National Park and other places of interest.
  • In the year 2011, Xigevenga was honored with doctorate of philosophy in political leadership by Omega Global University.
  • In the year 2007, Xigevenga was invited to perform his poems at the opening of parliament by President Thabo Mbeki.

Books he wrote:

  • Bya Velekeriwa (Novel)
  • Mabibi ya Mbilu Short story)
  • Nkhelelo wa Swiphato Ntanga Ntlhanu (poems)
  • Hlengelo ya switori swa Vatsonga
  • Lebyi i Vutomi


Comrade Xigevenga singing career produced nine studio albums, such as;

  • Vula Mangalani
  • Ndza Sola Sorisa Nkatanga
  • Muzavalazo
  • Nguluve ya Manana and others

Tiko ra Vutsonga ri weriwe hi papa ra ntima. Famba u ya rungula mikwembu, u vikela va tata wa wena Dzovo leswaku ya wena ndzima u rimile na swona u tirhile ku kurisa rixaka.


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  1. I love & like this man.l have learned a lot from his music.is good to pass away with history.we heard alot about you, who will talk about my life when I pass away? RlP Man

  2. I started knowing xigevwnga in 1995 when former president Mandela visited at Giyani stadium. I Will remember him by his song ‘vusokoti lebyo tshwuka byi humile e minkelwni ya byona byi manw tibibele e vokwwni Ra ximatsi eka lerinwana byi khomile swibamu’.may his soul rest in peace.


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