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Literature, Short Stories

Tra Boti Mabanga: Ghandi Square…

A ku ri ndrhenga wa siku ra 27 May 2013, Boti Mabanga yi titrhamele le McDonalds, eGandhi Square, kwalomuya ka 5pm. A yi titrhamele na Tshepo Mabunda na khale ka person ya yona N’wa Rikhotso (hambi ya ha ri kwele vukatini le Mbaula, aredzi)… Ivi hi loko Muhlave yi tlakuka yi ya exiyindlwanini. Then N’wa Rikhotso va yi susa hi English ya le Mariston na Braamfontein, Mabanga se a yi byi twile, kasi Muhlave yi le ku yingiseleni ka bulo leri, Mabanga a yi vonangi ku Muhlave se yi vuyile exiyindlwanini.

N’wa Rikhotso – Mabanga, do you think I am beautiful?

Boti Mabanga – Well, I wouldn’t say beautiful, since the term is a concept adopted by the dominant classes to classify human animals within the pre- established standards of beauty.

N’wa Rikhotso – It means that I am ugly?

Boti Mabanga – Cosmetically different is the most accurate term.

N’wa Rikhotso – But, do you still love me?

Boti Mabanga – Love is a feeling invented by the bourgeois class with the sole purpose of subjugating all people under a single way of thinking and seeing the society, thus depriving them of the power of reasoning and critical sense.

N’wa Rikhotso – And then?

Boti Mabanga – Then, I nurture for you a feeling of co-participation in interests of habitation, economical and sexual order.

N’wa Rikhotso – What? Do you want to tell me that you only want me as a casual woman and as a prostitute?

Boti Mabanga – Look here, it is never said casual woman, but preserver of environmental hygiene. And to treat hired sexual partners as prostitutes is not politically correct.

N’wa Rikhotso – You must be mad.

Boti Mabanga – Emotionally out of standards.

N’wa Rikhotso – Thanks God, they warned me that you were rude.

Boti Mabanga – Rude I am not; I am just an interesting person in a different manner.

N’wa Rikhotso – How blind I was…

Boti Mabanga – Deprived of visual capacity is very correct.

N’wa Rikhotso – Idiot!

Boti Mabanga – That is a person with a fixed mind.

N’wa Rikhotso – Enough. I will find someone who wants me.

Boti Mabanga – You don’t need to resort to that type of a relationship with a non-conventional standard; we can still share a healthy co-existence as two people with references differentiated from the dominant culture.

N’wa Rikhotso – I prefer to live with someone who washes cars for a living than to continue with you!

Boti Mabanga – Your preference in maintaining a cohabitation of an affective kind with a vehicles’ appearance specialist, does not give you the right to compare options of means of alternative survival with my behaviour, which differs with the dogmas of status-quo.

N’wa Rikhotso – Agh, why can’t you be a normal person?

Boti Mabanga – Normality is an imposed formality.

N’wa Rikhotso – Don’t call me anymore.

Boti Mabanga – Ok, I will text you…

Ivi loko Mabanga yi ku kelu! Yo vona Muhlave, yo vhe yi miyela…

Image: gauteng.net

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